Drag & Drop
Grab a chunk of text, image or video and Juice will start performing its tricks. When dropping text into Juice, we'll try to understand its meaning and serve you with context-relevant information. In the case of images or videos, we'll let you store them for later viewing, while you keep browsing just the way you like!
Intelligent Discovery Engine
Juice's discovery mechanism is grounded on Linkool Labs' proprietary intelligent discovery engine. This engine, comprised of a natural language processing system and a dictionary management system, helps to evolve the semantic web by connecting keywords with the most relevant, rich content from third-party web services.
Discover & Organize
You can bookmark and organize rich content discovered for you! For example, when Juice delivers a video to you, you can simply add the video into your personal video playlist – for current or future viewing! You can also do this with the videos and images you discover yourself while browsing the web, by dragging the Juice the image or tab attached to the videos.
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